カンガルーは平原の草地で棲息しているにも関わらず眼窩輪どころか後眼窩突起も発達していなかった。で、手持ちの 有袋類の後眼窩突起(前頭骨頬骨突起)を見た。Monodelphis domesticaMonodelphis domesticaMonodelphis domesticaMonodelphis domesticaMonodelphis domesticaMonodelphis domestica
図1.ピグミーポッサムMonodelphis domestica頭骨上から
←:後眼窩突起 →:頬骨前頭突起
↑:後眼窩突起 ↓:頬骨前頭突起
図5.フクロモモンガPetaurus breviceps頭骨上から
●:後眼窩突起 ▲:頬骨前頭突起
しかし、フクロモモンガでは後眼窩突起はあるし頬骨前頭突起も伸びている(図6)。フクロモモンガは新獣類のモモンガと同じような進化を遂げたのだ。視覚が大事にされている。それじゃー、ユーカリの木の葉食いに適応したコアラは樹上生活だからサルのように眼窩輪が形成されているかな?図7参照して!図7.コアラPhascolarctos cinereus
だめだ、樹上生活者なのに後眼窩突起も出てないが、眼窩がやや前方を向いていて、鼻骨が幅広く口吻が短い。コアラの動きはサルやリスを違ってのろい。木の枝から枝へ跳び移る訳ではない。だから樹上生活だが後眼窩突起が発達しなかったのだろう。有袋類で後眼窩突起が発達しているのはタスマニアデビルだ(図8)。後眼窩突起がちゃんと伸びているし、頬骨前頭突起も伸びている。しかし、タスマニアデビルは腐肉食AnimalDiversityWebのようだ、すると嗅覚で獲物を見つけていると云うことだ。それなのに何故、後眼窩突起が出、頬骨前頭突起が出ているのか?これらの突起は視覚とは全く関係無いことななのか?マイッタ!全く解らなくなった。Tasmanian devils have been considered livestock predators. In reality, these marsupials take most of their large prey, such as wombats, wallabies, sheep, and rabbits, in the form of carrion. Tasmanian devils are efficient scavengers, eating even bones and fur. Tasmanian devils may have depended on carrion left from Tasmanian wolf kills in historical times. Other food items, such as insects, insect larvae, snakes, and small amounts of vegetation, are taken when encountered. Tasmanian devils forage in a slow, lumbering manner, using their sense of smell to find food at night. They are famous for their rowdy communal feeding, which is accompanied by aggression and loud vocalizations. (DPIWE, Nature Conservation Branch, 2005; Nowak, 1991; DPIWE, Nature Conservation Branch, 2005; Nowak, 1991)Tasmanian devils have been considered livestock predators. In reality, these marsupials take most of their large prey, such as wombats, wallabies, sheep, and rabbits, in the form of carrion. Tasmanian devils are efficient scavengers, eating even bones and fur. Tasmanian devils may have depended on carrion left from Tasmanian wolf kills in historical times. Other food items, such as insects, insect larvae, snakes, and small amounts of vegetation, are taken when encountered. Tasmanian devils forage in a slow, lumbering manner, using their sense of smell to find food at night. They are famous for their rowdy communal feeding, which is accompanied by aggression and loud vocalizations. (DPIWE, Nature Conservation Branch, 2005; Nowak, 1991; DPIWE, Nature Conservation Branch, 2005; Nowak, 1991)
○:後眼窩突起 →:頬骨前頭突起
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